strike off

strike offstrike off1.砍掉He struck off the branch with a single chop of the ax.他一斧子就砍掉了那根树枝。The king's head was struck off while the crowd cheered.人群欢呼国王被砍了头。2.删去The committee has decided to strike off his name from the list.委员会决定把他的名字从名单中除去。3.印刷Another hundred thousand copies of the novel have been struck off since last year.自从去年以来, 那部小说又印了十万册。

strike off1.敲下,砍掉,击断:I'll strike off his head,if he dare come here.如果他敢来这儿,我就砍掉他的脑袋。2.把某人的名字(从名单中)划掉;除名:I don't want to see her. Strike off her name.我不想见到她,把她的名字划掉。He was struck off the lawyer register.在注册律师名单上,他已被除名。3.印刷:They struck off 200 copies of the report.这个报告他们印了200份。4.清晰流畅地描绘:He has struck off a good description of the scene.他已把该场景清晰流畅地描述出来了。5.出发;(改变方向)行走:They struck off across the river.他们过河去了。

见:strike: strike off